With 4 questions, we explore the Work Package 4 (Economic Impact Assessment Of Migration) and the “Comparative report on TCNs Economic Impact and Entrepreneurship” report. Maria Luisa Caputo and Michele Bianchi from University of Parma explains.

The new report of MATILDE project, which includes a cross-country examination of the migration’s economic impact of in 14 rural and mountain regions is out.

The new MATILDE report includes a cross-country examination of the migration’s economic impact of in 14 rural and mountain regions from 10 countries *,

The results from the MATILDE regions highlight multiple positive changes in business culture , as well as the innovations and the blooming of social entrepreneurship created by TCN’s arrival and their continuous presence in the regions. However, findings also indicate that they often experience exploitation under various forms , such as poor legal work conditions and informal work, long working hours and intensive labour, low wages, informal or overpriced housing.

*Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Finland, Italy, the United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Spain and Turkey.